Скільки коштує Lipton у Пятірці

Чай “” Ліптон “”: асортимент і відгуки покупців

Одним з найпопулярніших у своєму сегменті є чай “” Ліптон “”. Незважаючи на асортимент, що постійно розширюється, багато покупців залишаються вірні даній торговій марці. Щоразу при вивченні полиць магазинів їхня рука так і тягнеться за добре знайомою жовтою коробочкою.

  • Історія популярного бренду
  • Компанія в наші дні
  • Чай Lipton Yellow Label
  • Зелений чай
  • Чай у пірамідках
  • Збірка чорного чаю
  • Збірка Discovery
  • Холодний чай “” Ліптон “”
  • Критика бренду
  • Відгуки покупців
  • Ув ‘язнення

Історія популярного бренду

Тим, що зараз у всіх торгових мережах представлений якісний чай “” Ліптон “”, людство зобов ‘язане Томасу Ліптону. Близько 20 років він успішно займався бакалійним бізнесом. Його імперія у Великобританії налічувала понад 300 магазинів. Саме цей вид діяльності дозволив підприємцю оцінити комерційний потенціал чаю. З часом Томас Ліптон продав свою мережу магазинів, а під відомим брендом став вироблятися всіма улюблений ароматний напій.

Впритул зайнявшись продажем чаю, підприємець зрозумів, що у Великобританії той коштує занадто дорого, щоб забезпечувати масовий попит. У пошуках шляхів здешевлення товару Ліптон вирішив купити землі на Цейлоні, щоб розбити власні плантації. У підсумку чай “” Ліптон “” став впізнаваним брендом. Особливу популярність йому приніс той факт, що сорти були спеціально підібрані для показника жорсткості води в кожному конкретному регіоні. За особливі заслуги Томаса Ліптона королева Вікторія посвятила його в лицарі.

Компанія постійно розвивалася, і з часом її філії почали відкриватися в США та інших країнах. Впізнавана жовта пачка стала популярною в усьому світі. А з таким нововведенням, як чайні пакетики, продажі зросли в кілька разів. Звичайно, не обійшлося і без жорсткої конкуренції, але компанія з честю витримала її. Після смерті засновника “Ліптон” “був придбаний концерном” Юнілевер “”.

Компанія в наші дні

Сьогодні чай “Ліптон” є одним з найпопулярніших продуктів у 110 країнах світу. Левова частка продукції, що випускається, є середньою за якістю і знаходиться в доступній ціновій категорії. Основна частка сировини вирощується на Шрі-Ланці, в Індії, Китаї та Кенії. Кожен з продуктів – це купаж з 20 різних сортів чаю. Покупцям доступний широкий асортимент з різними смаковими добавками.

Чай Lipton Yellow Label

Найпопулярнішим з усього асортименту є чай Lipton Yellow Label. Дана лінійка включає в себе наступні продукти:

  • Lipton Yellow Label Tea виготовлений за особливою технологією, яка передбачає додавання соку листя до висушеного чаю. Випускається в листовій формі і в пакетиках.
  • Lipton Citrus має витончений аромат грейпфрута і апельсина. Яскравий і насичений смак бадьорить і створює гарний настрій.

Зелений чай

Великою популярністю у всьому світі користується “Ліптон” “. Зелений чай випускається в пакетиках (по 25 штук в упаковці). Покупцям доступні такі серії:

  • класична;
  • з ароматом цитрусових (апельсин, мандарин, грейпфрут);
  • зі смаком ягідного десерту.

Чай у пірамідках

Смаки чаю “” Ліптон “” розкриваються ще краще завдяки пакетикам у формі пірамідок. Ви можете насолодитися такими різновидами напою:

  • з шматочками лісових ягід, вишні та полуниці;
  • з лимонною, апельсиновою та грейпфрутовою цедрою;
  • з шматочками персика, манго і абрикоса;
  • з ванільно-карамельним ароматом;
  • з шматочками їжачки, чорної смородини та чорниці;
  • з шматочками вишні;
  • з шматочками малини і винограду;
  • зі шматочками полуниці та листям м ‘яти;
  • з ароматом чорничного маффіна;
  • з шматочками груші і ароматом шоколаду.

Збірка чорного чаю

Компанія “Ліптон” випускає серію чорного чаю, яка користується особливою популярністю. Ви можете насолодитися такими сортами:

  • Lipton Earl Grey – чай з благородним глибоким смаком. Він поєднує в собі впізнавані оксамитові нотки класичного напою і пікантність бергамоту.
  • Lipton Royal Ceylon – помірно міцний цейлонський чай. Напій надає бадьорість і заряджає енергією.
  • Lipton Magic Aroma – особливий букет чайних сортів дарує м ‘який і свіжий смак. Чай чудово підходить для того, щоб розслабитися або провести час за дружньою бесідою.
  • Indian Spice – насичений чорний чай з ароматом традиційних індійських спецій. Смак напою бадьорить і занурює в екзотичну атмосферу.
  • Lipton English Breakfast – це бадьорий міцний чай. Він стане відмінним напоєм для вживання в першій половині дня. Вас порадує благородний смак класичного англійського чаю.
  • Ginger Lemon – насичений чорний чай з лимоном, імбірем і свіжими фруктовими нотками. Його можна вживати гарячим і холодним.

Збірка Discovery

Подумки прогулятися різними куточками світу можна спробувавши чай з колекції Discovery. Покупцям доступні такі різновиди:

  • Orange Jaipur – це насичений смак класичного чорного чаю в поєднанні з апельсиновими нотками.
  • Green Gunpowder – натуральний зелений чай з нотками груші і османтуса.
  • Mild Ceylon – насичений чорний чай з злегка солодкуватим присмаком.
  • Imperial Earl Grey – класичний чорний чай з пікантними бергамотовими нотками.
  • English Breakfast Tea – міцний чорний чай з кращих азіатських плантацій.
  • Bombay Bazaar – насичений листовий чай з кардамоном, корицею, запашними ягодами і нотками анісу.
  • Spicy Marrakesh – оксамитовий чорний чай з пряним імбірем, ароматним мандарином і освіжаючою м ‘ятою.
  • Cuba Resort – класичний міцний чорний чай з ананасом, грейпфрутом і ромовими нотками.
  • Sultan Delight – зелений чай з терпким медовим присмаком, а також яблучно-інжирними нотками.

Холодний чай “” Ліптон “”

Випускається освіжаючий холодний чай під брендом Lipton Ice Tea. Ви можете придбати напій у пластикових пляшках або бляшаних банках. У деяких країнах цей продукт реалізується в скляній тарі. На ринку представлений чорний і зелений чай з широким асортиментом смакових добавок.

Критика бренду

Чай “” Ліптон “” в пакетиках, пірамідках і в листовій формі користується величезною популярністю в усьому світі. Проте останнім часом якість продукту нерідко піддається критиці. У 2008 році претензії торкнулися порошкового мовчаю, в якому виявилася перевищена норма меламіну. Як результат, вся партія була вилучена з продажу.

У 2011 році в одному з різновидів чаю даного бренду було виявлено перевищення вмісту токсинів. Всі продукти, до яких висувалися претензії, знову вилучили з продажу. Незважаючи на те, що під час перевірок 2012 року знову виявили порушення, компанія “Юнілевер” відкинула всі звинувачення.

Відгуки покупців

Широку аудиторію шанувальників встиг завоювати “” Ліптон “” (чай). Відгуки зазначають: одного разу спробувавши цей напій, хочеться купувати його постійно. Чай має досить насичений і приємний аромат, але його якість може істотно змінюватися залежно від того, на якій воді він приготовлений. Користувачі рекомендують використовувати для цих цілей фільтровану.

Говорячи про класичний чаї, багато покупців відзначають, що його смак останнім часом злегка змінився в гіршу сторону. Беручи до уваги, що інформація про склад, представлена на упаковці, не змінилася, є підстави вважати, що порушуються умови зберігання.

Безумовно, величезна кількість людей віддає перевагу “Ліптон” “у пірамідках з різними смаковими добавками. Дейтвительно, виробнику вдалося передати весь спектр відчуттів, але не варто забувати, що досягнуто це за рахунок ароматизаторів. Через них смакові рецептори притупляються і вже не можуть адекватно сприймати натуральний чай.

Ув ‘язнення

Чай “” Ліптон “” – це, безумовний лідер у своїй ніші. Багаторічна репутація зумовила підвищений попит. Проте з часом якість продукції дещо погіршилася, а тому є сенс придивитися до інших варіантів. Є безліч якісних продуктів за нижчою ціною, адже, купуючи “” Ліптон “”, ви також переплачуєте за відомий бренд. Але в будь-якому випадку вибір залишається за вами.

Lipton Green Tea Review – 17 Things You Need to Know

Lipton Green Tea is a green tea that is sold in several forms including tea bags, plastic bottles, and K-Cups. Lipton says its green tea can improve heart health, and reduce appetite. These claims about the benefits of green tea have been backed by the medical industry for years, but is Lipton’s version of good quality? We were not sure about where Lipton got its tea leaves from to produce Lipton Green Tea; there has been a recent emphasis in the media about the quality of tea leaves from China.

Our team of researches dug deeper into the green tea manufacturing process to gain further insight. Here is what we have concluded.

Lipton Green Tea can be purchased through their Official Site.

Lipton Green Tea Readers: Noom is offering our readers a risk-free trial, for a limited time. Click here for more information!

What Is Lipton Green Tea?

Lipton Green Tea is a refreshing drink that contains green tea along with minerals and vitamins. This beverage is the creation of the Lipton tea brand, which is owned by Unilever Company. The company selects its tea from plantations worldwide, including India, Sri Lanka, China, and Kenya.

The company states that adding Lipton Green Tea regularly to an individual’s diet will benefit that person. The tea not only increases the body’s metabolism but also prevents the growth of fat cells in one’s body, but what does research have to say?

  • European Journal of Clinical Nutrition – Green tea has been studied for years for a possible impact on weight loss. Early research showed promise, but there were issues with variable results making it difficult to ascertain the exact relationship between the two.
  • Molecular Nutrition & Food Research – You have to drink around three to four cups of green tea daily to see results. As long as those cups supply between 600 and 900mg of tea catechins.
  • International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism – There’s even evidence that the fancy matcha green tea drink you love may help with weight loss, as well.

For those who think working out is the only solution for weight loss, drinking green tea may be another inexpensive and easy way to get rid of stubborn fat – but we’ll dig more into the research later.

Lipton Green Tea Competitors

This is how much it costs to start on the respective program. We always recommend trying a product before making a large investment.

  • = Initial product cost is less than $5
  • = Initial product cost is between $6 and $50
  • = Initial product cost is between $51 and $150
  • = Initial product cost is $151 or more

How Did Lipton Green Tea Start?

Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, ranking second only to water. Thomas Lipton, the man behind the Lipton company, was a Scotsman who was a self-made merchant.

According to Lipton’s website, his business began as a single grocery shop in 1871. Still, gradually with a vision of growth and a brilliant sense of marketing, Sir Thomas grew his business until he owned more than 200 shops.

Around 1890, Sir Thomas bought his tea plantations in Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon. With 5,500 acres of land and an efficient and organized production method, the company launched the first packaged Lipton tea.

Eventually, incorporation as a Thomas J Lipton Co. in 1893 would take place. In 1938, the world’s largest consumer goods company, Unilever, acquired a portion of the Lipton tea business, and in 1972, Unilever became the full owner of Lipton.

In 1991, Unilever and PepsiCo entered into a deal whereby each company owns 50% of Lipton. Lipton Green Tea product is a product under Lipton’s brand name, and there is no specific information about when the company began producing it.

Scroll below for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year.

Lipton Green Tea Claims

Lipton claims the following about their Green Tea:

  • It is not just tea, but also a cup of healthy ingredients.
  • Lipton Green Tea is an effective drink for staying hydrated.
  • It keeps your heart healthy.
  • It contains ingredients that help an individual concentrate better.

Lipton Green Tea Benefits

Like other brands of green tea, Lipton Green Tea offers several benefits, according, in part, to the Proceedings of the Japan Academy:

  • Calorie-free if no sweetener or milk added
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Includes caffeine, which boosts energy and may help users to shed pounds
  • Provides an immunity boost
  • Green tea consumption does help a healthier heart
  • Contains highly antioxidant catechins

Types of Lipton Green Tea

Lipton, a famous tea production company, makes a wide variety of tea products.

Listed below are some of the green tea products that Lipton makes:

  • Matcha Green Tea and Mint
  • Matcha Green Tea
  • Orange Passionfruit Jasmine Green Tea
  • Purple Acai Blueberry Green Tea
  • Matcha Green Tea and Ginger
  • Green Tea with Mint
  • Mandarin Orange Green Tea
  • Cranberry Pomegranate Green Tea
  • Acai Dragonfruit Melon Green Tea
  • White Mangosteen Peach Green Tea
  • Lemon Ginseng Green Tea
  • Red Goji Raspberry Green Tea
  • Decaffeinated Jasmine Passionfruit with Citrus Green Tea
  • Decaffeinated Green Tea
  • Pure Green Tea
  • Decaffeinated Blackberry Pomegranate Green Tea
  • Decaffeinated Honey Lemon Green Tea

Lipton Green Tea Ingredients

Lipton Green Tea is a popular beverage that is consumed all around the world. The company offers various types of green tea to its consumers. The basic flavor contains green tea leaves.

The various flavors contain different ingredients depending on the particular flavor.

The company says it uses natural ingredients to flavor the various teas it produces.

Does Lipton Green Tea Work?

Green tea is for increasing metabolism and fat burning. Green tea is extracted from camellia sinensis, although other kinds of green tea differ substantially due to climate, horticultural process, or harvesting time. Therefore, the effect may vary for each type of green tea.

A Swiss research study revealed that green tea consumption could have a positive effect on the brain. It is proven to improve blood flow and maintain cholesterol.

Lipton Green Tea is thought to produce positive, healthy results. However, there are negative reviews from consumers about the product’s bitterness and its price.

Benefits of Lipton Green Tea and Results

The best way to stay healthy is to choose an active lifestyle with a balanced diet. Green tea may help control blood sugar levels and keep the body from accumulating a high-fat content.

Below are some of the claimed Lipton Green Tea health benefits:

  • Green tea helps enhance the immune system and encourage detoxification.
  • The various flavors also promote weight loss and boost up one’s mood.
  • Lipton Green Tea’s caffeine content with catechins controls the growth, multiplication, and death of cells.
  • The aroma of warm green tea can help a body relax.
  • Green tea also leads to more youthful-looking skin.

The results of any product can be determined either by trying it or from reading consumer reviews.

While Lipton Green Tea does not take the place of vaccines or other medicine, it can potentially help boost the immune system. One study at Oregon State University found that green tea can increase cell growth and adequately support the immune system.

Details on Lipton Green Tea and Weight Loss

In 2010, a clinical trial published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that the combination of caffeine with catechins could lead to weight loss.

According to Physiology and Behavior, “a mixture of green tea catechins and caffeine has a beneficial effect on body-weight management, especially by sustained energy expenditure, fat oxidation, and preservation of fat free body-mass, after energy restriction induced body-weight loss.”

Much of the research into green tea and weight loss, like that published in Clinical Nutrition, shares how much green tea you’d need to consume in supplement form, which is hard to reflect when drinking brewed tea. In the case of this study, the participants were given more than 850mg of green tea (EGCG).

Based on research in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, it appears the combination of catechins (EGCG, in particular) and caffeine are what makes green tea so effective.

The researchers noticed that the participants who took the combination of caffeine with catechins lost more weight than those who drank caffeine.

How to Use Lipton Green Tea?

What is the best way to consume Lipton Green Tea?

Below are the simple steps to becoming a Lipton Green Tea expert:

  • For a single cup, the individual should use one teabag. If brewing a pot, the quantity of tea bags will vary.
  • Use fresh water for the best result.
  • Boiling water in a pan or a kettle is the best way to make green tea. The bubbles that appear during boiling reduce the acidity. Do not heat water in a microwave as it may spoil the taste of the tea.
  • After the water boils, put the teabag in the cup and pour the water.
  • Leave the teabag in the water to brew for 1-2 minutes to allow the tea’s taste and flavor to develop.

Where To Buy Lipton Green Tea

Lipton Green Tea is available in grocery stores like Target and Walmart, and just about any store that sells food.

Consumers can also order Lipton Green Tea at online retailers like Amazon.

Potential Lipton Green Tea Side Effects

The positive effects of Lipton Green Tea are thought to be immense. The company claims that tea offers both antioxidant and healing properties, of which research in journals like the British Journal of Pharmacology, support.

The fact that it is easy to purchase has made it highly convenient for people to buy Lipton Green Tea at local stores almost anywhere in the world.

Similar to other teas, Lipton Green Tea has minor possible side effects, based in part on the NIH Database:

  • Lipton Green Tea’s caffeine content can cause problems for those sensitive to caffeine, and cause sleeplessness and restlessness.
  • For those with a sensitive stomach, drinking the tea can result in gastric problems, causing heartburn and sometimes pain.
  • Excess consumption of green tea can create neural tube abnormality in unborn children due to tannic acid, catechins, and caffeine.
  • Green tea tends to obstruct the absorption of iron and other nutrients.

Lipton Green Tea Product Warnings

Whatever the brand, it is essential for an individual to check out the ingredients and nutrients in any new product before trying it.

The following are some of the precautions one should keep in mind when consuming green tea:

  • One will receive the best results from Lipton Green Tea if you drink it in its original form. Adding flavors can reduce the effectiveness of the tea.
  • People with liver and kidney problems should not consume green tea.
  • Pregnant women and women who are nursing should not drink green tea.
  • Anyone who takes medication should consult his or her doctor before drinking green tea.

Green tea consumption should always go with a balanced diet and proper workout sessions to obtain the desired results.

Lipton Green Tea Lawsuits

For a big international company like Lipton, lawsuits will occur. Lipton Green Tea has been the subject of numerous cases. Here are a few:


In 2011, PETA alleged that Unilever was conducting illegal experiments on animals when testing the tea ingredients. PETA supporters filed 40,000 reports.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Unilever about its misleading ingredient content claims in August 2010.

Unilever claimed its Lipton tea products included flavonoids and antioxidants. The FDA disagreed, and a settlement was reached in private.


In 2012, Lipton was under fire again after a report published by Greenpeace found large amounts of pesticide in all Lipton tea in China.

Lipton Green Tea Alternatives

There are numerous alternatives to Lipton’s Green Tea products. One such product is Tetley Green Tea.

Tata Global Beverages, an Indian company, now owns Tetley, a historically British beverage manufacturer. Tetley produces 60 different types of tea. The company claims its products are the best for coughs and colds.

As with other green tea products, Tetley Green Tea may also cause side effects like dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and sleep disorders.

What Users Are Saying

“A warm cup of this knocks out almost any throat pains that accompany a cold. Also makes for a peaceful way to start my day. Very affordable, very easy to prepare.”

James B

“Great detox blend works well to relieve fluid in the body.”

Theresa Kontrafouris

“Good tea, helps boost immunity. Good ingredients.”

Ann M

The Bottom Line – Does Lipton Green Tea Work?

Is it time to clear the shelves of Lipton Green Tea? Well, we like that it contains natural ingredients and that we found some positive customer comments, but the lack of research linking the product to weight-loss is concerning. Also, customer complaints about high price and poor taste leave us skeptical about this one.

If you’re ready to lose weight, we suggest a product that has positive customer reviews and clinically-tested and proven results.

One of the best products we have seen this year is one called Noom. The program is designed by doctors and made to help you lose weight and keep it off. You’re not left out to dry once you reach your goals. With human coaching, personalized meal plans and more – you get everything you need to be successful.

The makers of Noom are even offering a free trial offer for all Dietspotlight readers. This is a great sign of confidence in their product.

Choosing the right weight-loss system can be confusing and often times frustrating. Let us help. Let us know a little more about you and your goals.

Lipton Green Tea Questions & Answers Q&A

Lipton Green Tea is a refreshing drink that contains green tea along with minerals and vitamins. This beverage is the creation of the Lipton tea brand, which is owned by Unilever Company.

Lipton selects its tea from plantations worldwide, including India, Sri Lanka, China, and Kenya.

Sir Thomas Lipton, the man behind the Lipton company, was a Scotsman who was a self-made merchant. In 1890, he bought his tea plantations in Sri Lanka, and the first packaged Lipton tea was launched.

Lipton’s tea brewed from tea bags is a healthy, calorie-free drink if no sugar is added. Lipton’s sweetened, bottled green tea drinks have fewer of the healthful nutrients and contain calories from sugar.

Drink between 2 and 4 cups of Lipton green tea per day. The antioxidants in Lipton green tea help your body block the calories you consume from being stored as fat.

Lipton Green Tea can be purchased using their Official Site.

To make a cup of iced tea, boil about four cups of water. In a heat-resistant pitcher, pour your boiling water over two tea bags. Let these bags steep for about 3-5 minutes, or as long as it takes to reach your preferred tea strength. Remove the bags. If you like, you can add sugar to taste. Add about six cups of ice cubes, stirring them until they melt completely, or alternatively add four cups of cold water.

All Lipton Green Tea bags are made of pure green tea leaves. Depending if there is a flavor added there may also be added spices or fruits such as chamomile, cinnamon, peach, dragon fruit or ginseng to name a few. Most of the flavored teas also have added soy lecithin.

Side effects can include upset stomach and iron deficiency. Caffeinated tea can also cause restlessness, sleeplessness and rapid heart rate.

Lipton Green Tea contains both caffeine and catechins, both of which can help your body burn fat at a faster rate. The antioxidants found in Lipton Green tea can help to block fat production and storage and help with faster weight loss.

Boxes of 20-40 teabags cost about $2.50 to $5.00.

You can find Lipton Green Tea at your local grocery or online at places like Amazon.

Pour 6-8 ounces of boiling water over 1 or 2 tea bags allowing it to steep for a few minutes. Drinking 2 to 4 cups a day can help with weight loss benefits.

The number to reach Lipton is 1-888-547-8668. There is also an email form at their site at https://www.lipton.com/us/en/secure/get-in-touch.html

Contact Lipton directly with product issues.

The most common complaints are that the tea bags no longer being individually wrapped and a sometimes bitter taste.

While Lipton green tea is generally considered safe to consume, it can come with some risks if consumed in high amounts. Due to its caffeine content, drinking too much Lipton green tea may cause anxiety, insomnia, upset stomach, and restlessness. Additionally, some of the other ingredients used in the tea such as lemon and honey may also cause allergic reactions in certain individuals. It is always best to consult your doctor before taking any form of supplement or consuming any type of beverage that could potentially contain allergens.

Lipton claims that its Green Tea is not just tea, but also a cup of healthy ingredients, an effective drink for staying hydrated, keeps your heart healthy, and contains ingredients that help an individual concentrate better.

Lipton Green Tea offers several benefits, such as being calorie-free, containing antioxidants and caffeine, providing an immunity boost, and being good for a healthier heart.

Lipton makes a wide variety of green tea products, including Matcha Green Tea and Mint, Orange Passionfruit Jasmine Green Tea, White Mangosteen Peach Green Tea, and many more.

  1. https://www.lipton.com/us/en/our-teas/
  2. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  3. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  4. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25074392/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4991829/
  7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29345213/
  8. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  9. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3365247/
  11. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110602143214.htm
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10584049
  13. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031938416300397
  14. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S026156141500134X
  15. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10408398.2014.986672
  16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5429329/
  17. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/green-tea
  18. https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/39600-federal-judge-dimisses-part-lipton-tea-class-action-lawsuit/
  19. https://www.businessinsider.com/lipton-china-tea-pesticides-2012-4
  20. https://www.influenster.com/reviews/lipton-green-tea-77/82145666
  21. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3JI5B77HPQJIF/
  22. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R20GHL6YOFLZJJ/
  23. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591
  24. https://noom.8utb.net/c/1720052/500038/8591

13 Lipton Green Tea Reviews

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what is the material that is used for Tea bag, it is plastic or paper

Hello Anshu. Lipton uses unbleached hemp and paper for their tea bags, while their pyramid-style bags are made of a food-grade plastic.

Hi. Im really concern about the micro-plastic in every tea bag. My question is does green tea teabag has microplastic? Thank you.

Lipton Diet Citrus Green Tea- Excellent!
Joel Benson (Verified Purchase)

I have been drinking Lipton Diet Citrus Green Tea for years. It has zero calories and in my opinion its taste is refreshing and is indeed excellent. The citrus taste is particularly flavorful and the caffeine content of about 22mg of caffeine per 8 oz serving (about one-fifth the amount of caffeine in a cup of regular coffee) is minimal and has no noticeable effect on me. The sweeting ingredient of this tea is aspartame and some people are concerned about this additive, but I have found no indication of any danger, and after all it is zero calories which for a chubby guy is a good thing. This tea is reported to have very healthful ingredients, including considerable vitamin C and antioxidants, but I admit, I don’t drink it for its health benefits. It just tastes great! It is worth noting that drinking this brand of tea is much better than consuming large quantities of diet soda. And I am told this tea may help in losing weight. The price of this tea is typically about 2.5 cents per fluid ounce whether you purchase it in a gallon jug or a 12-pack of 16.9 oz bottles. Lately, I have favored the use of 16.9 oz bottles as they are very convenient to use, while larger 20 oz bottles are too large for easy consumption and storing a gallon jug in your refrigerator can be inconvenient. Note, in my opinion, this tea is best enjoyed refrigerated and without ice. Room temperature tea or watered down tea are not my thing. Bottom line, I highly recommend this product if you have taste buds similar to mine. Some folks don’t like the taste of this beverage for reasons that make no sense to me. But I do understand there is no accounting for peoples’ taste. All I know is it is hard for my local Jewel grocery store to maintain a stock of this particular diet tea. The storage area for this tea is often empty and the other surrounding brands of tea are overstocked and remain untouched. That suggests something positive regarding the demand for this product. So try it. I think you’ll like it.

can i reused again the lipton green tea bag after using it once?

Although you can technically re-use the tea bag, the strength and flavor of the tea will be significantly weakened.

Hi, I tried lipton green tea for almost a week now but since I drink it every night I experience stomach cramps for a second and then after a minute I have to fart or else the stomach ache will increase… IS IT NORMAL?

In response to your question. I don’t know what is normal in regard to an average reaction to consumption of Lipton tea. I have been drinking Lipton Diet Green Citrus Tea for many years and have never had the effects that you note. My friends who have enjoyed this drink with me have never reported and such symptoms as well. An 8 oz glass of this tea will have about 22 mg of caffeine, so that might be causing your noted problem, but this is considerably less caffeine than a single cup of regular coffee, so a negative gastrointestinal effect from minimal caffeine may be unlikely. Also, the aspartame sweetener may be an issue. It might be wise for you to consult with a physician. You could have an underlying gastrointestinal disorder, kidney problem or liver issue that is causing your distress. The tea might be a trigger, but there may be an associated physiological disorder that is the real problem.


Часто віддаю перевагу цій марці, чай багато років не втратчає своєї якісті. Насиченний смак. В упаковці 25 пакетиків. Колір чаю не дуже чорний, скоріше золотого віддінку.

Сподобалось: Чудовий смак, відомий бренд, зручна упаковка, оптимальна кількість пакетиків, низька ціна.

Дуже люблю чаї, перепробувала їх безліч як виробників, так і смаків в межах одного бренду. Чаї Lipton можу віднести до своїх найулюбленіших серед пакетикових, хоча, якщо є можливість, надаю перевагу розсипному заварному чаю. Але як компроміс коли ти на роботі чи в дорозі, то краще ніж пакетикових фруктовий чи ягідний чай від Lipton – немає. Чай рівномірно наповнений нотками всіх згаданих у складі ягід: малини, чорниці, смородини. Але важливо, що і сам неперевершений смак чорного чаю не втрачається у цьому неймовірному калейдоскопі лісових ягід. Найбільше люблю простий чорний розсипний чай, однак в певних ситуаціях йду на компроміс та п’ю пакетований, однак інколи хочеться до чорного чаю ще якихось ароматів відчути, от тоді ягідний чай від Lipton для мене найкращий вибір.